Empower continuous education with innovative AI Evolution

Continuous education is about more than checking a box or completing CEUs to maintain professional licensing. Committing to your continuous education is the key to accessing meaningful opportunities and knowledge. This could truly accelerate your personal and professional trajectory.There is no shortage of sayings about the importance of learning and for good reason.

Consider this truth about continuous education from motivational speaker, Brian Tracy,

“Those people who develop the ability to continuously acquire new and better forms of knowledge that they can apply to their work and lives will be the movers and shakers in our society for the indefinite future.”

If that isn’t reason enough, how about heeding Henry Ford’s warning,

“Anyone who stops learning is old, at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”

In defense of establishing yourself as one of society’s youthful movers and shakers, it helps to have the right toolkit and solutions to support your continuous education efforts.

Jumping into the importance and benefits of extended learning experiences, we will also present you with the technologies that are transforming how event content planners are delivering more by innovating and streamlining education.

Extended learning experiences elevate your ambitions

More than just completing CEUs to maintain your professional license, extended learning experiences help you develop a more advanced skill set.

Elevating your professional expertise may help you secure a promotion and a stronger financial future.

By continually pursuing your education you position yourself to stand apart from the competition, which gives you the advantage the next time you find yourself looking for a new job or better professional opportunity.

Harkening back to Henry Ford for a moment, the biggest benefit of continuing education is it serves as a reminder that learning is a lifelong pursuit. When you’re actively engaged in it, you empower your confidence to access other skills, whether that means learning a new language, mastering a musical instrument or giving a new hobby a try.

That’s the micro level of why continuous education matters. Here’s the macro reality of education importance.

Extended learning experiences elevate entire industries

You’ve heard the expression, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

Attributed to the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, and a popular cornerstone in team building conversations (TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More), this idea is applicable to why continuous education matters.

Take the importance of CE in healthcare and tech solutions, for instance.

According to The Institute for Healthcare Improvement, “CE is a vehicle for spreading best practices and how to improve patient outcomes.”

As potential patients, we all want our medical community to embrace best practices for our optimal outcomes.

That’s why e-learning platforms and educational technology are so important.

Speaking to the importance of the right continuous education tool, Marilyn A. Leonard, NY-based ASCP Supervisor reflects that

“It’ll allow me to continually assess and guarantee that everybody in the lab, 24/7, all the different shifts and staff levels — whether full, part time or per diem employees — have the same level of competence.”

Everyone working from the same page? Yes, we want that for our medical professionals — and all of our industries because with continuous education, everyone benefits.

What types of continuing education programs can today’s learners pursue?

When it comes to the types of CE programs available today, the possibilities are practically endless for those eager to advance their careers.

A quick alphabetized breakdown of CE options include:

  • Conferences and events
  • Continuing education units
  • Courses online
  • Extension courses
  • Independent study
  • Language learning
  • On-the-job training
  • Professional certification
  • Professional license renewal
  • Post-secondary degree program
  • Research
  • Volunteering

For anyone who finds the idea of continuous education overwhelming or is unsure where to start, the following overview of today’s event content technology might just inspire you to get started.

Technology like AI Evolution makes continuous education easier to access than ever before… and enjoyable to pursue.

Introducing AI Evolution

The first thing to learn about AI Evolution is that it is a single place to manage all event content planning.

Access the benefits of the AI Evolution platform to empower your next event.

AI Evolution empowers event planners and event administrators to manage their event content in one place. Built on a comprehensive platform, this solution provides dedicated features designed to simplify end-to-end content planning.

The result?

Credit issuance and claiming has never been easier to manage, which means happier end users — not to mention speakers.

AI Evolution provides your event’s speakers with tools to quickly review and organize event sessions and abstract submissions.

Basically, it makes the continuous education experience easier for all stakeholders, from start to finish.

Spotlighting specific benefits of AI Evolution

How, exactly, does AI Evolution empower event organizers to deliver better events for all involved?

By providing them with real-time perks like:

  • The ability to minimize manual work by easily making changes to the event schedule, when needed. And the ability in assigning session times and speakers in mere moments on the platform.
  • A single space to manage all content, including abstracts, speakers, and sessions, as well as CEU accreditation and issuance
  • Personalization for an experience that fits specific needs, including access to a configurable build process, customizable fields, and platform stylization.
  • Flexibility in stronger support of your specific event type, whether a stand alone single event or complex multiple events

Focusing on foolproof features of the AI Evolution platform

The benefits provided by AI Evolution are delivered by innovative features, which are easy to use and impactful, including:

  • Session and Abstract Submission: Speed up and streamline the submission process for all involved — event speakers, educators, panelists, etc. — by setting specific submission requirements, request forms, and collect and organize all session data in a single space
  • Session and Abstract Review: No matter how extensive the event content, event planners can easily review, collect, and filter submissions, run reports, and quickly communicate with event stakeholders.
  • Session and Abstract Management: Rely on AI Evolution’s intuitive platform to keep track of sessions, content, session times, room assignments, and immediately update any program changes as they happen.
  • Speaker Management and Communication: Source stronger speakers for your event by inviting them to submit their materials. At the same time, allowing you to quickly collect all pertinent speaker details via automated tasks and streamlined workflows. This feature also makes it possible to assign your speakers their session times and venue rooms. Ensure that all information has been submitted by reviewing outstanding forms and sending reminders to speakers to submit them.
  • Continuing Education Management: All aspects of CEU accreditation are easily managed. Not limited but Including the ability to establish standards and requirements, issue CEU credits and empower your attendees to collect and track their CEU credits within the platform.
  • Event Management: Transfer all event logistics into a digital format in order to better manage critical details like rental and vendor information, venue specs, etc.

In the spirit of continuous education, learn what some of our recent customers experienced after leveraging the power of the AI Evolution platform…

“The folks at Attendee Interactive have been great to work with. Our conference has some peculiar needs compared to other academic meetings and AI has been willing to adapt to our needs. Their customer service is incredibly good. The session scheduling piece is also a great tool to use – I love having participant conflicts show as easily as they do.”
— Kris M, Administrative and Events Manager, Research


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