Top Pain Points for Speakers When Submitting Conference Proposals

Submitting a conference proposal should be an empowering step for speakers, yet for many, it becomes a source of frustration. Without a smooth and supportive submission process, event organizers run the risk of failing to meet the demand for engaging, high-quality speakers.  

Streamlined proposal processes not only enhance speaker satisfaction but also contribute to the overall success of conferences by attracting top-tier submissions. Utilizing proven abstract management systems can be a game-changer when it comes to addressing the common pain points that can complicate the submission process.  

What follows is a three-tiered breakdown of the challenges facing speakers when they want to submit a conference proposal, followed by the potential impact of that challenge, and, finally, a summary of Attendee Interactive’s specific solutions.  

Complicated Submission Processes 

With the right tool, any complicated process can be simplified for all involved; in this case, a speaker management platform is what it takes to ensure that your conference is connecting with the right speakers and empowering them to manage their interest and involvement with your conference. Let’s hear it for the KISS principle — Keep It Simple, Stupid, which reminds all of us about how important simplicity in strategies and communication truly is.  

Lengthy and convoluted submission forms can quickly overwhelm even the most seasoned speakers. Complex requirements or unclear fields make the process feel tedious, requiring significant time and energy that might deter potential speakers from applying. As we’ve said before, compelling speakers are also busy professionals who do not have time to waste on something like a clunky conference proposal submission.  

When speakers have to invest time deciphering submission forms, it not only wastes valuable time but may also discourage well-qualified individuals from completing the process. This can lead to a reduction in the diversity and quality of proposals submitted. 

TECH TIP: Attendee Interactive’s abstract management software provides customizable submission forms tailored to each event’s unique needs. By reducing unnecessary fields and clarifying requirements, it makes the process simpler and more intuitive, encouraging a greater number of high-quality submissions. 

Unclear Guidelines 

General George Casey believed “Clarity and simplicity are the antidotes to complexity and uncertainty.” While we’ve covered simplicity via the KISS philosophy, clarity is just as critical.  

For speakers, submitting a proposal without clear guidance on what organizers are looking for is like shooting in the dark. When expectations aren’t outlined, speakers may struggle to align their proposals with the event’s vision, resulting in proposals that miss the mark. Once again, this is more time that’s been wasted on both sides of the conference coin.  

Unclear guidelines can result in lower-quality submissions, with proposals that lack focus or fail to address the event’s objectives. This misalignment doesn’t serve organizers or speakers and can detract from the overall quality of the speaker lineup. 

Attendee Interactive’s submission system allows organizers to embed detailed guidance, evaluation criteria, and even example templates. This clarity ensures that speakers have the information needed to submit proposals that meet the event’s standards and resonate with its goals.  

For tips on crafting strong proposals, download the Ultimate Guide to Submitting Your Conference Planning Software RFP. 

Limited Feedback 

Does feedback really matter? Depends who you ask, but Bill Gates certainly thinks so: “We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” Trust us, your speakers want to improve so that they have the opportunity to get in front of bigger, invested audiences on a regular basis. It matters to their brand and business… not to mention, in many cases, their personal bottom line.  

Speakers often receive little or no feedback on their submissions, leaving them in the dark about why a proposal was accepted or rejected. This lack of transparency can be disheartening, especially for those who wish to refine their skills and submit stronger proposals in the future. 

Without constructive feedback, speakers miss the opportunity to learn and improve, which could help them better match future proposals to event expectations. This limitation hinders their growth and may reduce their motivation to reapply. 

Attendee Interactive’s platform includes a feedback feature that allows organizers to provide comments on each proposal. This capability fosters transparency and gives speakers valuable insights for improvement, resulting in higher-quality submissions over time.  

Download How to Leverage Speaker Conference Insights to elevate your next conference for all participants and stakeholders!

Uncertain Review Timelines 

Once again, a lack of clarity that leads to uncertainty can undermine your conference efforts. Don’t risk it. Be clear about important deadlines so that your speakers can plan and submit, accordingly.  

Unpredictable review timelines create uncertainty, making it challenging for speakers to plan ahead. Whether it’s preparing presentations or coordinating travel, the lack of clarity around decision dates can impact a speaker’s ability to commit fully to the event. 

When timelines aren’t clearly communicated, speakers face difficulties in organizing their schedules and may not have sufficient time to prepare top-notch content. This uncertainty can lead to last-minute preparations or even deter speakers from applying altogether. 

Attendee Interactive allows organizers to establish and communicate precise review timelines. By setting clear deadlines, speakers can anticipate decision dates and manage their planning effectively, while organizers benefit from keeping the review process on track. 

Technical Issues 

We’ve all experienced the duality of technology: it’s either for us or against us. In this case, you cannot roll the dice on dodgy technology that could impede your speakers from successfully submitting their conference proposals.  

Technical difficulties can make submitting a proposal feel like an obstacle course. Common issues, like restricted file formats or submission portal errors, can lead to unnecessary frustration and delay, potentially causing speakers to abandon their applications altogether. 

Technical problems add an extra layer of stress to the submission process, especially for those who are less familiar with certain digital formats or platforms. The additional time spent troubleshooting can detract from the overall speaker experience, reducing the likelihood of re-submission in the future. Are you picking up on a theme here? Time wasted can add up to compromised conference efforts.  

Attendee Interactive’s abstract submission platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind, supporting a wide range of file types and undergoing regular testing to minimize technical issues. This robust, accessible platform ensures a smooth experience, helping speakers submit with ease and confidence. 

Gain the Advantage with Attendee Interactive 

From complex forms to unpredictable timelines, speakers face a variety of challenges in the conference proposal process. By addressing these pain points with a well-structured submission system, event organizers can foster a more enjoyable and productive experience for speakers and create a stronger event overall.  

Attendee Interactive provides the solutions needed to streamline submissions, improve feedback, and maintain clear communication—elements that are crucial for both speaker satisfaction and event success. 

Event planners, take the time to evaluate your submission process and consider tools like Attendee Interactive to enhance the speaker experience. Explore Attendee Interactive’s capabilities to streamline submissions, enhance feedback, and maintain clear communication with speakers, all to foster a more successful and impactful event. 

Request a demo today!  

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